
Update: We now have an Instagram account! Come check us out!

Welcome to the website for the College of St Basil, also known as UWASCA! Here at UWASCA we are but one chapter of an international organisation known as the Society for Creative Anachronism (or SCA) all with a shared common interest: learning, recreating, and living life as it was for people across the world anytime before the year 1600! Well…that is to say we tend to focus on the good bits of it anyway, which means much feasting, fighting and general merry-making! UWA is but one branch (or College) of the SCA here in Perth. There’s us at St. Basil’s here at UWA and (when it’s running) St Lazarus at Murdoch!

We have events known as training twice a week on the Oak Lawn at UWA on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5pm until 7pm. On Wednesday you can join us for armoured combat, while on Thursday you can join us for rapier combat. After 7pm on Thursdays you can join us for Arts and Sciences in E-Zone, where we collaborate, discuss, and participate in the various costuming, sewing, armouring, leather-working or any other projects many of us have been working on in the meanwhile! We love meeting new members who are willing to take a step back in time with us (or even those who just want to enjoy the opportunity to hit some of us with rattan sticks!), so come and say hello to us on the Oak Lawn during the semester to find out more or get involved!

We also attend events regularly with the larger groups throughout Perth! Events range from tournaments (day-time gatherings with armoured combat, rapier and sometimes other activities like archery, music or dancing) to feasts (evening events with food and entertainment provided) and even camping events held over the long weekends. Many of the most experienced members of our college would be more than happy to assist you with making your own historically-informed outfit, and in addition we have garb that we can lend to you if needed.

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), according to legend, came into being in America when somebody threw a big medieval themed party sometime during the 60s. Many of the guests had so much fun they thought it should become a more regular occurrence. Since that fateful day the Society has grown from a group of people who like getting dressed up at weekends, to a worldwide community of people … who like getting dressed up at weekends. The ‘Knowne Worlde’ of the SCA refers to all the countries that have SCA branches, which are divided first into kingdoms, then principalities, baronies, cantons and shires. To find out more visit www.sca.org or, for more information on the local SCA, aneala.lochac.sca.org.